
Thomas Berey    |    GitHub/tberey    |    Liverpool, UK  

Personal Profile

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A full-stack Software Developer, with years of both Front & Back-End, Professional Experience.

Through my rewarding six years in retail and management, I can regard myself a customer experience focused person, where my thoughts and actions will always be considerate towards the user/customer journey. From there my passion has soared into information and technology, and through my experience, these two areas have highly complemented each other, in making what I develop well received and suitable for the end-user’s needs. I am thorough whilst being sociable and outgoing, who supplies a positive driving energy to any team, and I find these aspects combine to create a person who will excel in all situations while delivering above expectations. I am headstrong in ways that contribute, meaning nothing is left half done, or to a low standard. Furthermore, I love to use my initiative, needing very little in terms of guidance, and I always try to nurture that quality in others around me, but will always offer help.Quote However I am also not afraid to ask for help, or admit a mistake and learn from it. Finally, I would say I am highly adaptive as a result of my wide areas of employment, and can readily assure you punctuality with appearance is important to me.

Outside of working I have a strong motivation for keeping fit, as I regularly enjoy going to the gym and running. I have a strong passion and hobby in anything technology related, however my interest centres on software development, complete with an obsession into learning as many languages as possible. I am currently learning Python and SQL for Data Science, leading into ML/AI concepts, but more recently heavily delved into Golang and Typescript. Reading is also a past-time of mine, highly appreciating English Literature, especially that of the Bronte sisters. Moreover, I have been a member of the Air Training Corps, where I learned strict discipline, organizational skills and presentation at a young age, and have carried it ever since. Within three weeks of joining, I rose to the rank of First Class cadet, bearing the highest mark on the written test, despite being the cadet sitting it with the least experience there.

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Hobbies & Interests



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If you would like to discuss any opportunities, or ask any questions at all, please don't hesitate in connecting through the various channels: