
Thomas Berey    |    GitHub/tberey    |    Liverpool, UK  

Middlewich High School

2004 - 2009

11 GCSEs
Maths: B | English: A,B | Science: B,B,B
A - B
Volunteer Member of Student Support Team
(Application/Interview, 2005–07);

School Prefect
(Application/Interview, 2008–09);

Student Council Representative
(Elected, 2005–07).
+44 (0) 1606 288 170

South Cheshire College

2012 - 2014

English Literature (A2)A
Mathematics (A2)B
Physics (A2)B
Computing (AS)PASS
Chemistry (AS)PASS
Active member of sports societies;

Freely studied extra Maths module
(Grade B).
+44 (0) 1270 654 654

Keele University

2014 - 2015

Mathematics (BSc)CertHE
Sports Society Captain
(Elected, 2015);

Optionally studied extra English elective
(Grade 2:1).
+44 (0) 1782 734010


If you would like to discuss any opportunities, or ask any questions at all, please don't hesitate in connecting through the various channels: